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Miami, Fl 33125
(305) 649-2749
Home of the KNIGHTS

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Pursuers of Excellence

Pursuers of Excellence

Learning Focused

Learning Focused

Community Oriented

Community Oriented

News & Announcements

Below are lists of important announcements and topics.

LPS School Supply Lists (2024-2025)

Below are the School Supply Lists for the 2024-2025 School Year.

Student Grade Portal

Click Here to login to My School Worx.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Please Click Here to view the Non-Discrimination Statement

Web Accessibility Statement

Please Click Here to view the Web Accessibility Statement

LPS Core Values


Jesus is our “True North.” Every path points back to God’s Truth. LPS embodies a nurturing culture where biblical worldview and deep faith are developed in the hearts and minds of students to impact the world for Christ.

Community Oriented

You’re never on this journey alone. As an LPS Knight, you’ll become a part of a strong commUNITY of believers who support one another. We’re a family who fellowships together and knows firsthand the power of prayer (Psalm 121:1-2).

Learning Focused

With a bias toward student success, LPS expert faculty elevate the learning experience and meet you wherever you are on your journey. LPS enables you to explore deeply, think critically, problem-solve confidently, and retain meaningful learning.

Pursuers of Excellence

LPS rigorously seeks the highest standards for exemplary education with top-quality opportunities for learning, well-balanced student development, and a unified experience for families.

Innovative Teaching Methods

Reenforced learning through technology

Reenforced learning through technology

At La Progresiva, every High School student receives an iPad loaded with apps geared for success.

Online Student Portal

Online Student Portal

Easily communicate with teachers about your child's progress and learning path.

Simplified Learning through Google Classroom

Simplified Learning through Google Classroom

Keep track of your student's progress and assignments from anywhere.



PK3 – PK5

PK3 – PK5

Elementary School

Elementary School



Middle School

Middle School

GRADES 6 – 8

GRADES 6 – 8

High School

High School

GRADES 9 – 12

GRADES 9 – 12

Why are Miami Parents Choosing La Progresiva?

For over 50 years, La Progresiva Presbyterain School has recognized one simple truth: with God, all things are possible. No matter where you are on your educational journey, LPS guides your child with high expectations and generous support — in an environment where each child is truly known and loved.

Contact Us


2480 NW 7th St
Miami, FL 33125

Email Us



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